SA: What skills do you need for your job?
JO: Everything today is done digitally, so you need to know digital illustration programs, especially 3-D programs. But you should also know how to paint and draw if you want to use the digital tools to their greatest effect.
SA: How did you break into the industry?
JO: I had many friends in movies, and I was very persistent. I just kept talking to people until I got a job. It was really cool to see the result of my work on screen for the first time. But I didn’t know I had made it until I got a job working for Steven Spielberg.
I have worked on three of his movies! But I always knew I had talent and could be successful if I worked at it.
SA: What is the best part of your job?
JO: I really enjoy what I do. Plus, I get to live in a different world every day—anything from feudal Japan to a futuristic world depending on what I’m creating.