Fashioning Fabric

Paula Heaphy talks about designing textiles for the Gap

Courtesy of Michael Chiabaudo.

This scarf began as a few drawings and was transformed on a computer.

Scholastic Art: What is your job?

Paula Heaphy: I am a senior textiles designer for the women’s line at the Gap. So my artwork gets printed on scarves, handbags, shoes, umbrellas, and garments.


SA: What is your working process?

PH: I like to begin with what I call an inspiration day. I head out to museums and the magazine sections of bookstores to be inspired. The first half of the season is creating the artwork, and the second half is coloring and reworking the prints to fit all of the various product categories.


SA: What medium do you work in?

PH: My favorite way to design is to draw and paint by hand, then scan it into the computer. I especially love drawing with water-soluble graphite pencils, pens, and watercolors. But with a few hundred pieces to spin out in a short amount of time, I have to save the hand-drawn work for the special pieces. The majority is created directly on the computer.


SA: Where do you find inspiration?

PH: Everywhere! I’m always on the lookout. I’m drawn to what’s happening in the art world, in architecture, and in the music scene. One of my favorite pieces, which will be in stores next spring, was inspired by a vintage kimono.

Courtesy of Michael Chiabaudo.

Paula Heaphy works on a new design.

SA: What advice do you have for someone who is interested in pursuing a career in textile design?

PH: I studied fine arts and switched to fashion design my junior year. Textile design kind of bridges those two worlds nicely. I recommend going to art school and not focusing only on computer textile-design skills but also on making art with your hands.


SA: What do you think has been the biggest factor in your success?

PH: I think cultivating my creativity outside of work makes me better at what I do. Every semester, I take art classes in all sorts of media. It helps to keep me passionate about my work.


SA: What do you love about your job?

PH: I love that I’m creating all day, and that I work with some of the most talented people on the planet. They inspire me and keep me pushing my boundaries.
