Three different paintings against a purple background

How does Bina experiment with color and space?

Images courtesy of Peter Yuscavage.

Find Your Inspiration

Develop an artwork based on your own experiences

See helpful tips and inspiring examples of works created by students at Jersey City Arts in Jersey City, N.J.

Project Prompt:

Explore an event, a relationship, or a place with which you have a deep personal connection.


  • Begin by writing about your chosen subject. Use descriptive language to help you figure out how to visually express the way you feel about it.
  • Make thumbnail sketches and add notes to help you work out your composition and plan your working process.
  • Select materials that have meaning.
  • Work in whatever style will best illustrate your ideas. It might be realistic, stylized, abstract, or a combination of all three!

Experiment at Home:

Use whatever materials you have on hand. Keep in mind that materials have meaning and can help emphasize the experience you’re exploring.

Teaching Resources

Slideshow Find Your Inspiration Hands-on Project

See helpful tips and inspiring examples of works created by students at Jersey City Arts in Jersey City, N.J.

Slideshow Find Your Inspiration Hands-on Project

See helpful tips and inspiring examples of works created by students at Jersey City Arts in Jersey City, N.J.
