Three geometric art pieces

Images courtesy of Lisa Yamaoka.

Geometric Data Designs

Use what you’ve learned about shape to explore an idea.

Studio Project Prompt:

Develop a geometric design to visually present meaningful data about life today.


  • Design a conceptual artwork that explores facts about a topic that interests you. You might focus on scientific data, such as the amount of rainfall in your town each year, or personal data, like how many hours you sleep each night for a week.
  • Use geometric shapes to present your concept in a dynamic, abstract image.
  • Experiment with various materials. Select the ones that best represent your idea.
  • Create a set of instructions for your work so that another artist can recreate it.

Experiment at Home:

  • Observe a family member’s or pet’s behavior and use the data you collect to develop your instructions.
  • Ask a friend to interpret your instructions and complete the artwork.

Before you begin, check out these examples by Lisa Yamaoka’s students at South Kamloops Secondary School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada!

Images courtesy of Lisa Yamaoka, South Kamloops Secondary School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

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