Lexile: 1100L
Core Art Standards:
VA1: Generate artistic ideas and work.
VA7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
VA11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
CCSS Anchor Standards:
R2: Determine central themes.
R7: Integrate and evaluate content in diverse media.
W3: Write narratives or imagined experiences.
Essential Question: How does learning about art impact how we perceive the world?
Enduring Understanding: Awareness developed through engagement with art can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, the natural world, and constructed environments.
Vocabulary: abstract, color theory, foreground, juxtaposes, landscapes, middle ground, mood, palette, patterns, representational, vistas
Materials: computer or interactive whiteboard, “Graphic Organizer: Art and Nature” skills sheet