Shara (SHAHruh) Hughes is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. When she paints, she trusts her gut instead of carefully planning each step. “I’m really trying actively to surprise myself every time I make a new painting,” she explains.
Hughes painted Jagged Little Hills, above, in 2018. She uses an unusual combination of color palettes next to one another. To paint a river, she uses the primary colors red, yellow, and blue. The artist includes earth tones, like brown, yellow, and orange, to paint cliffs. Notice how Hughes also leaves some parts of the work unpainted.
Hughes uses flat colors on the river’s surface. But she paints the cliffs above the river to look three-dimensional. This helps give the scene a sense of space. Hughes uses colors the viewer doesn’t expect. Instead of making a usual painting of a river, she creates an exciting, strange world.