Four abstract sculptures.

How does each student visually communicate?

Stephanie Oberlander/AP Images.

Place Sculptures

Use what you’ve learned about materials to make a sculpture about a meaningful place

Studio Project Prompt:

Design an abstract sculpture that represents one of your favorite places. Use materials that will help convey ideas about your chosen place.


  • Begin by writing about your favorite place. Allow descriptive words and phrases to inform your sculpture.
  • Work with abstract forms.
  • Think about how you might use color, form, balance, unity, and juxtaposition to emphasize your ideas.
  • Experiment with a variety of materials.

Before you begin, check out these examples by the students at Northside Middle School in Norfolk, Virginia!

Prepared by: Kara Dobrowolski, Dr. Phillips High School, Orlando, Florida

Skills Sheets (1)
Lesson Plan (3)
Lesson Plan (3)
Lesson Plan (3)